Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fun with Aidyn

Aidyn has grown so much the last few months...and I have really been horrible at taking pictures. It is my new goal to be better with having my camera on me and always taking pictures, we will see how I do. Here are some pictures of Aidyn around the house, playing, etc...she really is so much fun and I couldn't imagine spending my time in any other way than being home with her. Sorry for the major long post, but I figured I would just do a recap of the last few months.

around the house

playing with mom

on our way to the Wild Animal is so fun that it is only 10 minutes away...we go quite often and she is loving it more and more

petting the goats

chasing the goats

Aidyn and mommy

watching the ducks

Looking at the meercats

watching the ducks in the pond

sleeping so soundly...she needed to wake up though so I kind of sped up the process

She finally got up after me persisting for a few minutes

And then she is her happy self...takes a second for her to wake up...kind of like daddy

We got Aidyn's friend a birthday present and had to try it out...Aidyn was more interested in climbing the thing than playing with it

She loves climbing anything

Also her new favorite thing...climbing in boxes, cupboards, etc and laying down...I find her randomly in the bathroom cupboards or lying down on the must be a texture thing..

One of my new favorite pictures of her...just playing outside in the yard...when she is the happiest

daddy and Aidyn...Jeff didn't have to work until night, so we were able to go as a family....way more fun having him there than me just going on my own

Aidyn's favorite part of the whole park...the petting zoo. She just chases the goats around all over and is lucky if one slows down enough for her to pet it.

Aidyn finally is old enough to enjoy the splash park they have there...she loved running around and getting wet with the other kids.

Daddy and mommy

mommy and Aidyn

Jeff's favorite part of the park...the lion

Finally a pregnancy picture....this is at 25 weeks with baby boy (no name yet)

I love this girl so much...she loves being outside and running around

she especially loves going on bridges...I don't know why

5 Generations

Back in July I had the chance to go to Utah for a few days while my family was there...we were able to go see my great-grandma and take a 5 generation neat to see her posterity and think of how much one person can make a difference. Here are all 5 girls....