Kasen was born early Tuesday morning, January 24th. It all happened really fast. I had been feeling contractions for the past few days...not painful, just lots of tightening. I was already dilated to a 2 and effaced, so my dr. told me I could go anytime. I had been pretty uncomfortable the last few weeks, and unable to sleep at night, so I was ready for this baby to come. Jeff's sister Jen told me about a drink that helped her labor along. Some mixture with castor oil and a raw egg...not the best tasting, but I really wanted this baby out. I had it at about 7 pm. I continued to have painless contractions, but not consistent. At about 9pm they became much more consistent, and much closer together, but still not painful. They were about 3 min apart at this point. Around 9:30 they started getting pretty painful...and about every 2 min apart. I waited around for another hour or so, and then had Jeff drop me off at the hospital to get checked out. He went back home to be with Aidyn. Once they got me in the room, they checked me and I was only about a 2-3, and contractions were about every 1 1/2 min apart. This was about at 11:30 pm. The nurse was annoying and kept telling me this most likely was false labor, but they would monitor me for an hour or so to see if I progress. After 30 min of contractions every 1 1/2 min apart, I asked her if she would check me again, and told her there was no idea this was false labor...they hurt way too bad. She checked me and I was at a 4. They told me they could admit me now that I was actually in labor...stupid nurse. I called Jeff and had him come. They asked if I wanted an epidural...to which I said please YES!!! They told me they needed to get me hooked up and answer questions first. The whole process took about an hour...the longest hour ever. Nurses asking you questions while you are in the most pain you ever felt before...not very fun. The epidural guy came and told me they usually have to wait until the blood work comes back to give an epidural...I told him to please give it to me now, I couldn't take the pain any longer. He finally got it in and told me it would take anywhere from 30-45 min to kick in. About 5 min after getting the epidural, I felt like I needed to go to the bathroom...I told the nurse and she said she would check me. She did, and sure enough, the baby's head was right there, and I was ready to push. This was at about 1:45 am. It was so hard not to push until the dr. came, but once she did, I pushed him out in about 2 min. I think it went so fast because I was in so much pain because the epidural had not kicked in at all, so I felt everything. And he was not a small baby. 8lb 12oz, 21 1/4 in long, born at 1:59 am. OUCH!!! The nurse told me I could consider it a natural childbirth...which I do...and now I know I would not want to every have a baby naturally again. Overall...I was pretty lucky...my labor pretty much lasted less than 5 hours total, and I only pushed a few minutes. Kasen is perfect in every way. He is still working on nursing...it takes him a lot longer than it took Aidyn, and he still is awake a lot during the night, but I am in love. He is amazing.
Daddy and Kasen
Aunt Corrie with Kasen
Grandma and Grandpa Snell with Kasen
Grandpa with the first grandson
My mom was so mad she missed the labor...she only lives 45 min away, but she didn't think I would progress as fast as I did, so she ended up missing the whole thing...bummer
Kasen and I
Kasen's stats
This was a few min after having him...so glad to be out of pain
My son...that is so weird to say