Wednesday, September 10, 2008


All you ever wanted to know about my husband...

What is his name? Jeff

How long have you been together? 2 1/2 years

Who eats more? Jeff eats more throughout the day...but I eat more at each meal

Who said I love you first? I think he did...on a text message

Who is taller? He is by about 10 inches taller

Who can sing better? We both have equally capable voices, but he doesn't like to sing

Who is smarter? Jeff is street smart, I am book smart

Who does the laundry? I make Jeff do the laundry, because he has to wash his clothes every time he wears them (even a shirt he sleeps in one night). I don't have as much laundry, so I help every once in awhile, but he does most of it.

Who pays the bills? We both do...I am in charge of rent/tithing/gym memberships/medical. Jeff is in charge of car payments/phones/utilities

Who sleeps on the right side? Jeff does

Who mows the lawn? If we had one...I probably would, because Jeff works on the weekend

Who cooks dinner? Mostly me, but he is in charge of anything to do with the bbq.

Who drives? Jeff used to...but I told him he couldn't anymore because he drives carelessly (wastes a lot of gas)

Who is more stubborn? Definitely me...

Who kissed who first? I made all the first initial moves...(hand holding, kissing)

Who asked who out first? I sought him out and made plans

Who proposed? He did

Who has more friends? He does...I don't have time for friends

Who is more sensitive? It's a tie

Who has more siblings? I have more immediate siblings...he has more including half-siblings

Who wears the pants? I would say I do...he would disagree

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