Wednesday, April 7, 2010


So I have been a huge slacker with my blog...we have so much going on in our lives, and yet I can't find the energy to keep this thing updated. We found out a couple weeks ago that we are having a girl. Talk about shock. I had always imagined myself the mother of a lot of boys, but I guess the Lord has other plans for us. Our families are excited...mine a little disappointed that we wouldn't be adding some testosterone to the overload of estrogen. My dad says he will have to settle for an athletic tomboy...thanks dad. I figure, I got married first and had the first grandchild. I will give Lindsey the opportunity to have the first boy in the Snell family.

My experience with pregnancy has been nothing but horrible. I can honestly say the only good experiences I have had is when we get to hear the heartbeat, and see our child at the doctors. I don't wish to complain, I just think I should document my feelings. My first trimester was the worst. I was very sick, throwing up a lot, very tired all the time, and feeling bloated and fat. My doctor refused to give me medicine to help with the sickness because I was gaining weight. I had absolutely no energy to work out, or even do anything after work. I couldn't sleep at night, and I was feeling very worn out. My only hope was that it would all subside after the first trimester, and I would feel fabulous, like the books say. Books lie. As I hit week 13, 14, 15, and even 16... I was still feeling sick, throwing up every other day, very tired, lots of headaches, and massive heartburn. I am now at 17 weeks, and feel the same. I am having an even harder time sleeping at night...I read it is from the cramping going on in my stomach due to my expansion. The expansion is coming...I can feel it. My stomach grows progressively throughout the course of the day, but it is definitely growing. My pants are extremely tight, and all my shirts feel weird.

I am looking forward to our next visit...the amniotic screening, when we will get to spend an hour looking at our daughter's organs, and make sure everything is ok. I have been feeling some flutters in my popcorn, every once in awhile, and it makes me happy. I hope I can feel her kick sometime soon...I have some huge expectations when it comes to our daughters' future as a soccer player.

Jeff is enjoying my expansion. He loves when my belly looks big, and he can rub his hands on it. Before he leaves for work in the morning, he always kisses me goodbye, and then works his way to my stomach to give our daughter a kiss goodbye as cute. I know he will be a good dad.

Sorry about the long post with no pictures, but I thought I should write something, and I have yet to take a pregnancy picture. I will try and get one up in the next week or so...I think I would regret not documenting my progressive transformation into a whale.


Jennifer said...

Justyn you are too cute...I know your family was hoping for a boy but the Gallego family needs some girls!!! I have too many boys and that seems to be the trend so I am glad you are breaking it :)

You are FAR from large..You are an adorable prego!

The Stones said...

You poor thing. I'm not one to say pregnancy is a dream, but it's far better than what you are feeling. I hope and pray you get the release here soon from all the sickness. Feeling the baby is a really nice part! Good Luck hun! Congrats on the girl!! (funny I thought the same thing about being a mom of boys! silly)

BLANK said...

That little picture at the top of the post is just too cute! Far too true I bet!

Hillary said...

Congrats on adding another girl to your family. I feel for you and your pregnancy. I am the same way. The sickness didn't end for me until after the second trimester. My heart burn was so bad that I would take around 15 tums a day. Shame on your doctor for not giving you anything. Zofran was my life saver. It would cut back the throwing up to a couple times a day instead of all day. Some how you get through it and some how you forget how bad it really was because you do it all over again and again. Good luck. I hope you get to feeling better.