Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sidney, Nebraska

What's in Sidney Nebraska, you ask???  Not much...j/k  Jeff's parents moved to Sidney a few years ago, and we have never been to see them as a family, so we decided to take a trip to visit Grandma and Grandpa Gallego.  Jen and her family were there as well, and we had such a blast.  It was fun to see where they live, and to spend time with Jen's kids.  Jeff especially loved it...he misses seeing them ever since they moved to Washington.  He has a real bond with them from when he lived with their family and watched the kids while Jen was at work.  They are all getting so big, and it is fun now that we have kids too and they can all play together.

This is what happens when Aunt Jen is in charge of bathtime

Beckham and Aidyn sure had fun together

Kasen smiling for usual.  I swear she has magic abilities...that kid doesn't smile for anyone else

Grandpa Gallego enjoyed holding the babies too

Grandma and Kasen

Daddy and Aidyn

Jen bowling

Grandma bowling

At the taxidermy...we were able to go to the Cabela taxidermy and see where they store all the stuffed animals.  It was 3 floors of hundreds of animals...really cool, but kind of sad, especially when you see the little baby animals.  

A huge Rhino

Jen's whole family...and Aidyn.  She wouldn't leave Taylor's side

1 comment:

Caleb and Lindsey said...

Kasen is a fatty! where did that come from?!?