Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I know most everyone knows by I thought I would post it finally. We are having a baby!!! Jeff and I had a doctor's appt. this morning and our little "alien" is doing very well. He/she is moving around a ton, even though I can't feel anything yet, and has all the appropriate limbs and parts. I am about 11 weeks, and have been extremely sick, throwing up all day long for the last couple months...not fun. Hopefully that goes away soon. We can't wait to find out if we are having a boy or a girl next month. The picture scanned a little to zoom you can just double click on it...


Jesse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
heidi said...

Ok, it was me who just deleted the comment cause i was signed in as Jesse. This is Heidi and I am so SO excited for you! Congrats!!

Shauna said...

Congrats!!! My mom actually just told me a couple of days ago. I guess she read it on your mom's letter. He/she is going to be one good looking baby!!!

Jennifer said...

I am so excited!!!!!! We can't wait to hear what your having.

The Stones said...

Yay! I hope you start feeling better! Good Luck!

Heather said...

Oh yeah!! Congratulations. I am so happy for you and I really hope you start feeling better!!

Hannah Hubbard said...

That is so exciting!! Congrats!!

theskimlife said...

aww! Yay! Congrats thats so exciting!