Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Jeff's other new toy!!!

I don't understand why Jeff gets to have all these new toys...I never get anything. j/k . Jeff has been bugging me forever about getting a new tv. I have no idea why, because our tv is big and it works fine. I guess it is another one of those guy have to have the nicest tv. Well, our friend in the ward who works with home theatre systems was selling his tv for a very reasonable price. Of course, Jeff decided this was the tv he wanted. He spent weeks trying to convince me why this tv would be such a good investment. Finally I agreed that he could get the tv, but only using the money he received from side jobs. I was thinking it would take at least a month or two to round up that much money...but sure enough, two weeks later, we are sitting in our living room admiring the quality of our new tv. I still can't believe he made that money so fast. Anyway, I must admit, the tv is very nice, and I especially enjoy watching the olympics on it.

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