Monday, October 15, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

My mom knew of a pumpkin patch close by, so we took the kids on Saturday.  It was a lot of fun. They had a petting zoo, tons of pumpkins, a train, pig races, etc.  The kids loved it, and it was a fun family activity.

Corrie brought her friend Emily

Corrie and Aidyn

Aidyn loved the petting zoo

Grandma and Kasen

Aidyn loved the petting zoo until the sheep thought her hair was hay and kept eating it....she was not happy

watching the pig races

walking through the corn maze

Kasen was super happy...

Aidyn loved the train ride

1 comment:

Shauna said...

your kids are getting cuter by the minute! we're going to a pumpkin patch on the 27th. i can't wait!! :)