Well I'm finally getting around to blogging about Christmas. These last few months have been crazy. We ended up moving and then had family in town for a few weeks. Also, we were all hit with sickness at one point this winter season...the kids were continuously sick for probably 2 months. We are finally starting to feel normal again. Jeff just started work again...it is now almost February...so we are back to our normal routine. Anyway...here is what we have been up to the last few months.
Aidyn is still not a fan of Santa...it took a little convincing/bribing, but she finally gave us a smile while on his lap
Kasen was also terrified...
Aidyn and Jeff made cookies for Santa...Aidyn really loved putting them on a plate and leaving them by the fireplace. She was so excited to wake up on Christmas morning to find the cookies and milk gone.
Here are the kids in their new Christmas pajamas...thank you Auntie Caca
The highlight of our Christmas was being able to skype Mckenna who is currently serving a mission in Ukraine. It was so good to hear her voice and see her face...she is doing really well.
Excited to start opening presents
Christmas morning...Santa came!
All of the kids toys...puzzles, clothes, books, blocks, juice, and a play mat
We have been visiting the Library every week for Toddler Storytime...the kids really like reading stories and singing songs. Aidyn especially likes playing with the puzzles
Kasen and I
Aidyn showing off her hurt lip...I don't quite remember how that happened...I think maybe she fell off the bed?
We were able to make a temple trip up to Redlands with the family
While in Redlands, Caleb took us hiking up the mountain from his parents' house...we were so excited to be in snow!
All the girls, minus Mckenna
Jeff and I
Jeff went with Caleb, Rylee and my mom and hiked all the way to the waterfall
We tried out the new trampoline park in Temecula...Lindsey showing off her skills
Juston (Rylee's soon to be fiance), Rylee, Caleb, Corrie, my cousin Tara and her husband Josh (visited from Mesa for a few days)
Last week we celebrated Kasen's first birthday...he has grown up so fast, but is still very much a mommas boy and loves to snuggle. We had a few friends/family over and had ice cream sundaes. I was a little sad I didn't make him cake or anything...
But I don't think he minded one bit...this is my all time favorite picture of him. Pure joy...he is a true fat kid
He made sure he got every last drop
Then the kids played with the blocks he got from Grandma and Grandpa
And of course Corrie and Aidyn were there...they are best friends.

Sounds fun! Where did you guys move to? Buy a new house?
We are still in Temecula...just renting for now. Congrats on your exciting news!
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