March and April have been crazy busy is a little of what has been going on...Corrie has started swimming again for Chaparral High School. The kids love going to her meets and seeing her swim her best. This particular meet I didn't get any pictures of her swimming, but I did get some of us supporting her. Rylee was in town that week so it was fun to see her!
Aidyn loved wearing Corrie's swim cap, and absolutely refused to take it off
Kasen and Aidyn both LOVE Aunt Rylee!
Aidyn and Grandpa
Easter weekend I was away in Big Bear for a Laurel Retreat, so I set up a little easter egg hunt for Aidyn and a few of her other friends at the park before I left. She was in heaven collecting eggs...I may have gone a little overboard...we were expecting a few other friends to show up, so 100 eggs divided among 8 kids isn't that much...but there ended up only being 6 kids, 3 of which were babies that couldn't really collect Aidyn took full advantage and collected all she could.
And this is what happened when I took her basket away and told her she couldn't eat the whole thing...she was NOT happy!
For April Fools Night, my family grew up inviting friends over for dinner and having spaghetti. Instead of using the traditional plate, fork and cup, my mom would scrounge up random kitchen items instead...usually picking things that would be hard to eat with. So we continued this tradition, invited a few families over, and had a fun family night. Everyone pretty much ended up using their fingers to eat, and it was a pretty big mess...especially the kids. Good thing we did it in the garage.
Stephanie and Ian Geeves
Jeff really enjoyed the dinner...minus the salad, as you can see he conveniently left out on his massive muffin tin least he had some carrots :)
Karlyn and Elliot Howell
Dave and Jessica Howell
The kids decided to have a screaming this is Aidyn covering her ears while the others scream their hearts out
Our other friends, Valerie and Mike Cope
The first week of April, Jeff and I had the opportunity to be Ma's and Pa's on our Stakes' Youth Conference Pioneer Trek. 3 days of pushing and pulling handcarts, sleeping in tents, and being responsible for 12 teenagers...all while dressed as pioneers. We were extremely excited for this opportunity, and although it was a lot harder than I expected, so rewarding. We really enjoyed the kids we got to be with, and our "family" really had a good time together. That was pretty much the first time Jeff and I have both left our kids for more than 1 night...not exactly a vacation...we barely slept at all and came back extremely exhausted...but we are glad we had the chance to go, and grateful to my parents for watching the kiddos...
Here are a few of the photos
We had to take our handcarts over rivers, lakes
The boys had to carry every girl across a lake...and then carry every handcart across as well
At one point on the trail we had to stop and unload every cart, take apart the wagons, and carry everything across a huge crater in the ground...this is us in an assembly line while unloading everything
Brigham Young declaring this is the place
Coming up the last "Testimony Hill"
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