Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 2009

We spent Christmas morning with my parents in Temecula. We opened presents and then had amazing stuffed french toast. We also had a great suprise when Caleb, Lindsey's boyfriend, proposed to her while on a bike ride in Meadowview. Yay!!! Lindsey is getting married sometime in May, and I cannot wait to help her plan the wedding. Christmas afternoon we did a service project with a couple of different families, and then headed over to the church where we played dodgeball and then volleyball for a couple of hours. Christmas was a lot of fun and I am bummed it is over.
After announcing their engagement

Lindsey showing off her diamond ring to her friends.

Admiring the ring

Lanae looking at the ring

Gorgeous diamond band...the new thing

Organizing the gifts

Mckenna and Rylee

Mckenna and Bella

Our family on Christmas morning

Me and Bella

Lindsey and her new mountain bike

All the kids...we line up on the stairs every year in order of age

All the kids again

1 comment:

Mike, Sha, Kenna, Kate, & Garrett said...

OH MY HECK!! I check in on your blog every now and then I saw my cousin Caleb on there!! His dad and my dad(Sha's dad Alan) are first cousins. What a small world. Tell him congrats from us!

Sha Jenkins (and Mike)